Calorie Crazed


Why are women so brainwashed to believe the way to lose weight is to cut calories?  So, we are supposed to eat food that looks good, tastes good, yet has no sustanence?  Strange…  I would rather eat food that is nutritionaly dense and avoid empty foods, like starch and sugar.  It seems like a no brainer to me… Yet, people everywhere count their calorie intake to make themselves feel better about eating that pseudo jelly doughnut made with Splenda or that non-fat vanilla latte.  Yeah…

I say, if you think cutting fat out of your diet and avoiding whole milk products is your lifestyle, you are starving your brain of what it needs to fun on.  So, I guess in the end it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.  The less fat you eat, the worse decisions you make because your brain gets tinier.  It’s kinda like the empty lifestyle people keep up with now, too.  Chatting and texting on their cell phones and family time consists of sitting in the same house all watching different TV’s or computers.

Eat some FAT ya dumb bitches!  And, if you are worried about keeping healthy, sip lemon water or splash it with some Apple Cider Vinegar.  Stop eating sugar.  And especially stop eating sugar coupled with low-fat crap.  That’s a sure fire way to get diabetic in a hurry.  Instead, switch to honey or molasses in your coffee.  Switch to whole milk!  Quit being stupid about your diet.  Start recording your moods according to your intake.

I know this is preachy, but someone needed to say it.  Low fat is stupid.  Calorie counting is retarded.  White Sugar is death.

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